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AMD 2023 Corporate Responsibility Report: Sustainability, Innovation, and Inclusion Highlights


The latest Corporate Responsibility (CR) Report was published today, highlighting progress toward achieving strategic goals in 2023. AMD has concentrated its efforts on critical areas that significantly impact both the company and society, as identified through an ESG materiality assessment. These areas include environmental sustainability, digital impact, diversity, inclusion, and supply chain responsibility.
"We are at a pivotal moment in the computing industry, where it is crucial to align our actions with our values and address some of the world's most pressing challenges, such as climate change, energy demands, scientific and medical advancements, and human rights," stated Justin Murrill, AMD's Director of Corporate Responsibility. "At AMD, we continue to strengthen our collaboration with partners and industry peers to tackle these important issues and drive responsible progress."
Some of the key achievements in 2023 include:
Promoting Environmental Sustainability
  • AMD has developed a comprehensive approach to chip design, focusing on both performance and energy efficiency. The company offers a wide range of computing solutions for AI infrastructure, addressing sustainability challenges throughout the product lifecycle. For instance, the chiplet architecture, pioneered by AMD, saved approximately 132,000 metric tons of CO2e in 2023 by using up to 12 separate compute chiplets in the 4th Gen AMD EPYC™ CPUs, instead of a single monolithic die. This reduction is equivalent to 2.8 times AMD's annual operational CO2e footprint and 4.9 times its water usage for the year. Additionally, AMD is on track to meet its goal of a 30x improvement in energy efficiency for processors and accelerators powering servers for HPC and AI training from 2020 to 2025. More than half of the top 50 most energy-efficient supercomputers on the latest Green500 list are powered by AMD solutions.
  • AMD's AI and high-performance computing designs are helping customers and partners tackle global challenges while achieving their sustainability objectives. As AI workloads grow, AMD solutions are enabling data center operators to modernize infrastructure, reducing both space and energy consumption. For example, a single 4th Gen EPYC™ server can replace five legacy servers, cutting rack space by 70% and energy use by 65%.
  • Since 2020, AMD has reduced its carbon emissions by 24.5% and increased its use of renewable energy to 40%, up from 18% in 2020. In its supply chain, AMD's foundry partners have reduced water withdrawals by increasing recycled water use by 34% between 2022 and 2023.
Advancing Scientific Research and STEM Education
  • Through the AMD AI and HPC Fund and STEM initiatives, over 150 universities, research institutions, and non-profit organizations have received AMD technology since 2020, benefiting around 61 million people. In 2023, AMD made donations to institutions focusing on AI, machine learning, and scientific applications, as well as various HPC and AI educational initiatives.
  • The company continues to support STEM education through the AMD Learning Labs program, with a new lab established at Maynooth University in Dublin, Ireland. AMD employees also contribute by mentoring students and providing hands-on learning experiences globally.
Empowering People and Communities
  • AMD fosters an inclusive environment that enables employees to thrive, offering opportunities for development, engagement, and belonging. In the 2023 AMDer Survey, 92% of employees reported that AMD creates a supportive environment for people of diverse backgrounds.
  • The company launched the "Advancing Women in Tech" program in 2023, a comprehensive initiative to empower and support women in technical roles at AMD. The program's inaugural year saw over 230 participants, with plans for expansion in 2024. AMD also welcomed its first cohort of veterans through the Hiring our Heroes program.
  • AMD employees worldwide contributed more than 25,000 hours of volunteer time through various activities in 2023.

Collaborating Across the Value Chain
  • AMD builds strong partnerships throughout its value chain and works with carefully selected manufacturing partners to promote human rights, environmental sustainability, and supply chain resilience. In 2023, AMD expanded its due diligence efforts to address potential human rights impacts, including responsible minerals sourcing. Between 2020 and 2023, 84% of AMD's manufacturing suppliers underwent Responsible Business Alliance audits.
  • AMD continues to collaborate with suppliers on environmental and human rights issues, providing education and resources. Over the past three years, 95% of AMD's manufacturing suppliers in Malaysia, Taiwan, and Japan who work with labor agents have participated in the RBA Forced Labor Prevention workshop.
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