Be Careful Of Your Carbon ‘Food-Print’


Food that you waste adds to carbon emission, and in the long run contributes to climate change. – 22 May 2016 – In a quote the Ethicalperformance informs:
“If food waste were a country by itself, it would be the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases behind China and the United States.”
The food habit and food wastage, that can potential hurt the humanity, have been illustrated in the Food Foolish, whereby an excerpt goes like this:
“The embodied carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in food waste alone represent 3.3 billion metric tons. That’s all the energy that goes to produce the food we never eat, including fuel for tractors used for planting and harvest, electricity for water pumps in the field, the power for processing and packaging facilities, and more. In total, those emissions are more than twice the emissions of all cars and trucks in the United States. Viewed another way, if food waste were a country by itself, it would be the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases behind China and the United States.”
While, other countries like Japan, Brazil, Germany, Russia and India, who also have their own footprints in the carbon emission behind global food waste, supposedly could brace themselves by stating:
“Hey, at least we aren’t as bad as that guy!”
Leaving apart the statistics, it is the time for action so anything that is possible under anybody’s power that can play a role in reversing the effects of “climate change” should not delay any further. Some of the basic changes that every individual can bring into his life is to introduce LED lighting system throughout the house, install solar power cells to generate green electricity, while on a personal health agenda to increase walking quota while reducing driving practices, can help a long way.
Nevertheless, another issue that is often neglected is the practice of food waste. One should do everything possible in one’s “power to not waste food”. It is a major checklist to be followed at all times.