Carol DeNure: Covia Leader in Environmental Stewardship and Community Impact


Covia celebrates the commitment and leadership of team members who have made a significant impact either in their roles or within their communities by sharing their stories. Today, we shine a spotlight on Carol DeNure, Office Administrator at Covia’s Blue Mountain facility in Havelock, Canada. Carol has been an integral part of Covia for 17 years, providing essential support behind the scenes across Covia Canada’s plants. Discover more about Carol’s journey, her beginnings with Covia, and how her steadfast dedication continues to foster growth within the organization.
An Atmosphere of Learning and Support
Carol joined Covia in 2007, initially working in accounts payable at the Havelock, Canada location. Coming from an insurance background, Carol found Covia to be a refreshing change. Eager to immerse herself in the organization, she sought to understand its operations across departments.
Recognizing Carol’s enthusiasm, a fellow office administrator encouraged her to explore various departments, nurturing her interest in health and safety. This support enabled Carol to transition into the safety department, where she flourished under mentorship and eventually assumed greater responsibilities.
Over time, Carol seized an opportunity to apply for and secure the office administrator position, a role that has allowed her to wear multiple hats and play a pivotal, though often unseen, role supporting several Canadian plants.
Beyond her administrative duties, Carol is deeply passionate about gardening, maintaining a substantial garden at home. This passion extends to her professional life, where she has been instrumental in designing and nurturing a garden at the Blue Mountain plant, enriching the community and providing a sanctuary for team members.
Environmental Commitment
Carol takes pride in Covia’s commitment to environmental stewardship, actively participating in initiatives like Wildlife Habitat Certification (WHC) and supporting programs such as turtle conservation. These efforts have garnered accolades for Covia’s dedication to biodiversity preservation.
Community Engagement
In addition to her professional responsibilities, Carol coordinates community events and open houses, fostering connections between Covia and the local community. These events not only showcase Covia’s work but also provide educational opportunities and strengthen community bonds.
Reflecting on her journey, Carol emphasizes finding joy and fulfillment in one’s daily work—a sentiment she hopes to instill in future generations.