Christian Finances: Balancing Making, Giving, and Investing for Kingdom Impact


"In the realm of Christian finances, two fundamental principles often emerge: ‘make’ and ‘give.’ Since my conversion in my twenties, I’ve encountered this teaching repeatedly: to achieve success, one should strive to earn as much as possible in order to give generously. The underlying message is that donating money is a sacred act—one that involves contributing to nonprofits, giving tithes, and anticipating heavenly rewards.
However, as an investor, I’ve found this perspective somewhat incomplete. While God indeed calls us to give, He has also uniquely called me—as an entrepreneur and investor—to allocate a portion of my capital toward for-profit ventures that may not have explicit philanthropic missions. Wrestling with how these vocations align with God’s vision for my finances has been an ongoing journey.
Where does investing fit into this framework? It seems essential, especially considering my interactions with Faith Driven Entrepreneurs and Investors worldwide. These individuals are making a profound impact on the Kingdom. They build ethical cultures and influence their communities through their business endeavors. While nonprofits and charities remain crucial tools for advancing God’s Kingdom, they are not the sole avenue. Charitable giving is vital, but it’s just one facet. At Faith Driven Investor, we’ve begun to explore a threefold approach: building, giving, and investing."