Duke Energy Hosts JCSU Students for Career Exploration and Industry Insights


We were delighted to welcome nearly 50 students from Johnson C. Smith University (JCSU) to our Charlotte, N.C. headquarters, where they explored the various career opportunities available at Duke Energy. Employees from finance, marketing, and information technology shared their career paths and experiences in the utility industry with the students.
During the visit, students inquired about topics such as work-life balance, the state of renewable energy, and how to best prepare for entering the workforce. When asked about the most rewarding aspect of his job, Duke Energy intern Kwesi Kyei-Fordjour (pictured in a red shirt) emphasized the value of being recognized as a meaningful contributor by his team.
"It’s rewarding to know that, as an intern, I’m not just doing busy work," said Kyei-Fordjour. "This is my second rotation as a Duke Energy intern. I’ve earned my team’s trust, and they’re assigning me to projects that are truly important to the company."
We at Duke Energy are honored to have hosted such a curious and engaged group of students and eagerly anticipate the positive impact they will bring to our communities as future professionals.