Empowering Black Communities: Sustainable Georgia Futures' Climate Solutions and Clean Energy Initiatives


Investing in climate solutions can significantly enhance lives, address longstanding inequalities, create employment opportunities, and lower greenhouse gas emissions simultaneously. Sustainable Georgia Futures (SGF), a recipient of the 2024-2025 Drawdown Georgia Climate Solutions & Equity Grant, recognizes these interconnected benefits.


A Conversation with Adrienne Rice of Sustainable Georgia Futures 

We recently spoke with Adrienne Rice, the founder and executive director of SGF, about their vital efforts to enhance lives and scale climate solutions within Georgia. Their initiatives in energy efficiency, weatherization, solar energy, and workforce development in historically marginalized communities are truly inspiring.


The Mission of Sustainable Georgia Futures 

SGF is a nonpartisan grassroots organization committed to establishing green economy pathways for Black individuals and people of color in Georgia. Led by Black women, SGF consists of skilled organizers and community leaders striving to empower marginalized communities and promote environmental justice. 

Their strategies include:
Conducting Climate Justice Education Meetings to build consensus on issues and develop actionable plans. Organizing communities to tackle climate change and systemic racism. Offering a paid fellowship program that educates participants about climate change, organizing strategies, and connects them with industry leaders. Hosting various trainings, workshops, and educational events for the community.


Grant-Funded Projects

With the 2024-2025 Climate Solutions & Equity grant, SGF plans to expand the WeatheRise energy efficiency program, which provides weatherization improvements for low- to moderate-income Black households in Atlanta. This summer, SGF will collaborate with local groups such as the West Atlanta Watershed Alliance (WAWA), Southface, and the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy to launch a Pilot Solar Pre-Apprenticeship Program. This program will offer hands-on experience with Atlanta-based solar installers, enabling apprentices to earn three highly regarded solar installation certifications. By training these apprentices, SGF aims to ensure that residents of previously underserved communities have equitable access to emerging solar job opportunities in Georgia. 

This innovative initiative aims to reduce energy burdens among Georgia's low- and moderate-income (LMI) Black households and address the shortage of Black apprentices in registered apprenticeship programs. It seeks to alleviate high energy costs while creating long-term economic empowerment opportunities for frontline communities. By training participants to address energy inefficiencies, the program aims to build a more sustainable and equitable future for all residents.


Drawdown Georgia's Free Toolkit 

Drawdown Georgia offers a free toolkit with advice on improving home energy efficiency, including tips on finding loans, tax credits, and other resources to make upgrades more affordable.


Energy Burdens in Atlanta

Energy burden, especially in cities like Atlanta, is a significant issue for low-income Black and minority communities. These groups often face high energy costs relative to their income due to systemic factors. An energy burden is considered high when energy costs exceed 6% of household income, and severe when it exceeds 10%. In Atlanta, Black households have a median energy burden 33% higher than non-Hispanic white households. 

This disparity is largely due to systemic environmental racism, including historical injustices like unfair housing laws and redlining, which have concentrated low-income and minority populations in areas with poor housing infrastructure and higher energy costs. Additional factors, such as unequal wages and lack of access to affordable housing, exacerbate the problem. 

Addressing the energy burden requires tackling systemic racism and its root causes. At SGF, we recognize the interconnectedness of workforce development, climate change, and systemic racism. By empowering Black and Brown communities and creating opportunities for them to benefit from a regenerative economy, SGF aims to dismantle oppressive systems and foster positive change.


Importance of Energy Efficiency/Weatherization and Workforce Development Projects 

Training in clean energy technologies like solar and weatherization is crucial for community development. It opens new career pathways, allowing community members to join the growing clean energy workforce, secure employment, and contribute to the expansion of this emerging economy. 

By involving community partners and experts, the program ensures training is tailored to the specific needs of the communities it serves. This localized approach fosters ownership and investment among participants, increasing the program's success and sustainability. 

Additionally, focusing on skill-building and professional development equips participants with valuable tools that extend beyond energy efficiency, leading to broader economic opportunities and entrepreneurship within the community. 

The Pilot Weatherization and Solar Pre-Apprenticeship Programs have the potential to be transformative. They address energy burdens, empower Black communities, and promote environmental justice in Georgia. By fostering skills, creating jobs, and encouraging sustainable practices, this program aligns with SGF's mission to build a more resilient, equitable, and environmentally conscious future. 

Click here to know more about SGF.