Ericson rewrites chapters in our twilight years


The future of technology lies in ubiquitous, immersive digital experiences that transforms every aspects of our lives. The following are personal stories shared by researchers from Ericsson on how they envision old age in this increasingly digitally connected world.

Health care and wellness-focused applications are among the most intriguing potential 6G use cases in the 2030 timeframe. And, as 6G researchers, we have realized and are convinced that healthcare and digital inclusion will become even more important - and a requirement - for a sustainable future. But we must also keep in mind the viewpoint of those who we hope will benefit from technology.

When I'm older, I'd like to maintain my autonomy and do ordinary things that we probably all take for granted nowadays. I'd like to get up earlier in the morning, and I'm sure I still crave my first cup of fresh black coffee. My limbs will sometimes work and sometimes not as an 80-year-old world citizen. But I know I'd prefer to be able to manage on my own.

Perhaps I'd like to stay in bed a little longer than usual this morning, and instead of calling for my care worker, I can simply think, and my 6G-connected exoskeleton will arrive seconds later, communicated via think. The wonderful smell and taste of the black coffee is enhanced by the fact that I was able to brew it on my own without the annoying trembling of previous days.

I make myself breakfast with the same freedom, cutting ripe fruit with that sharp knife I rediscovered I could use again. I adore the aroma of golden butter on a hot frying pan, especially when combined with chantarelles. It looks delicious! They used to say the iron pan was too heavy for me, but things have changed. Mornings are now better because of the little things.

I realize there might be some early spring flowers in the forest to pick. I remember the wonderful scent of fresh anemones, so I seize the opportunity to get outside. After a long walk, I come across the target: fresh shy white wood anemones. I get down on my knees to smell and pick them. What a wonderful aroma! It's almost overwhelming to be able to get up with a bouquet of these flowers in my hand and then walk back home on my own. I am so inspired and grateful that I can manage on my own, despite the fact that many people think I am too old for it. The little things have made the long days feel shorter.

Speaking of fun accomplishments, I had arena tickets to a rock concert last Saturday - it was Massive! I used to be in the front row, me and the crowd going crazy - and I still do! I danced almost the entire night due to the strong beats. I'm in love with the bassist, who is 50 years younger than me, so I'd better keep that to myself. The little things have made the memories more vivid.

I, too, long to meet my wonderful granddaughter, just to see her, hold her hand, listen to her kind enquiring voice, feel her presence, and gently caress her little hand. Our storytelling day is on Friday. She has a fantastic imagination! After all is said and done, we connect via think. Lovely. I always feel so warm and happy when we meet. Because of the little things, the miles are now shorter.

Time flies, and it's time for my weekly boule game with José and his close friends. I enjoy the sensation and sense of a perfect throw, but I must restrain myself. On the other hand, I know José would be furious if he discovered I was deliberately letting him win most of the time. The little things have brought the friendships closer together.

Suddenly, I notice the wet nose of an old friend - Emma, my long-time companion and dog. She's eager to go for a walk with me, as she always is, so I grab her leash. Fortunately, my exoskeleton can protect me and restrain her when she spots a bird to catch and attempts a chase; without it, I wouldn't dare to handle her on my own. Despite the fact that the weather has changed and that it is cloudy and about to get dark, I feel refreshed.

Emma and I walk down the path, and we're both eager to get home and sit by the fire. I'm thinking "bedtime soon" as I watch the fire die down, but it's been such a good day that I don't want it to end just yet. The little things have made life more enjoyable.

Towards a more inclusive society
Making our world a better and more sustainable place to live is one of Ericsson's key drivers. To make the world a better, more inclusive place for everyone, we must also provide a good life for the elderly who have served, raised, and nurtured us.

The basic core values and needs that make us human remain even as we age, such as the ability to sense, touch, hear, smell, and communicate, as well as the ability to socialise with our nearest and dearest and, of course, to manage on our own. These are the perspectives and aspects we want to keep front and centre in our research, and they are what we have attempted to convey in this blog post.

Wireless networks already play an important role in achieving sustainability and inclusion goals, and there is clear potential to accelerate their contribution with 5G and beyond.

Every day, we work with partners in collaborations such as Hexa-X and Next G Alliance to overcome key research challenges and contribute to a future society that is more inclusive and sustainable for all.