Daily CSR

GOJO’s Sustainable Progress In Accordance With ‘GRI Framework’


GOJO grows from “operational impacts to understanding” its “stakeholders’ priorities”.

GOJO’s Sustainable Progress In Accordance With ‘GRI Framework’
Dailycsr.com – 29 October 2016 – GOJO Industries is a world leader in producing and marketing “skin health and hygiene solutions”, who invented the “PURELL® Hand Sanitizer”. The company on the 25th of October 2016, made an announcement to reveal that it has published its “fifth annual Sustainability Report”.
The title of the report is “What Matters Most”. It focuses on the sustainability progresses made by GOJO “throughout 2015 and into early 2016”. The highlights of the report compares the progress of GOJO “against its 2015 operational impact goals and the material topics” which are in relation to the “GOJO 2020 Sustainable Value Strategies and Goals”. In the word of GOJO’s Vice-Chair, Marcella Kanfer Rolnick:
“The GOJO Purpose, Saving Lives and Making Life Better Through Well-Being Solutions, drives us to innovate and create Sustainable Value for all GOJO stakeholders. Through leading and learning, our team lives out our commitment to sustainability and strives to continuously collaborate and strengthen our understanding of our stakeholders’ desires and goals.”
The said report is the first of its kind to be in made in accordance with the GRI framework regulations, whereby featuring information about how “the metrics” have been brought to life, while the GOJO teams continues to improve on the “advancing social, environmental and economic sustainability results”.
Focussing on the “materiality topics” identified by the GOJO stakeholders in the “company’s 2015 Materiality Assessment”, the report goes on to recount how “engaging stakeholders through this process informed the next round of enterprise sustainability goals”. Here is a list of GOJO’s accomplishments included in the report, as mentioned by the Ethical Performance:
2015 Goals and Performance – In 2010, GOJO set goals to reduce its operational impacts. At the end of 2015, GOJO had exceeded its 2015 targets, and reduced water usage by 51 percent, greenhouse gas emissions by 46 percent and solid waste generated by 47 percent.
2020 Sustainable Value Strategies and Goals – The following are the 2020 strategies and goals GOJO announced in Dec. 2015. This report details these goals and the strides GOJO is making to implement and achieve them.
Innovate to Create Sustainable Value – GOJO will reduce its Chemical Footprint by 50 percent; establish and maintain an industry-leading sustainable chemistry policy; double global sales from products with third-party certifications; and reduce packaging material by 15 percent.
Elevate Public Health and Well-Being – The company’s long-term social sustainability goal is to bring well-being to one billion people every day. GOJO will work towards achieving this goal while striving to be the most recognized advocate for well-being through hygiene in our industry.
Steward a Thriving Environment – GOJO will recover and either reuse or recycle 50 percent of dispenser materials from the value chain; migrate 90 percent of GOJO Strategic, Preferred and Collaborative suppliers to meet GOJO Sustainable Value Responsible Sourcing Criteria; and power its distribution operations by renewable energy.
Foster a Culture of Sustainable Value –  Continue to inspire team members to act in ways that deliver Sustainable Value through Sustainable Ways of Working (SWOW℠) with positive impact for GOJO, its team members and the communities in which we live and work. All of GOJO core processes will be infused with SWOW, which brings sustainability strategies to everything we do, and all GOJO team members will be engaged in SWOW”.
The Corporate Communications Director, Nicole Koharik, sums up by adding:
“Our sustainability goals have evolved from reducing our own operational impacts to understanding our stakeholders’ priorities and creating social, environmental and economic value throughout our entire value chain. At GOJO, we focus on collaboration, engagement and looking for new ways to deliver what matters most.”