Griffith Foods’ Fight Against Hunger: A Journey with Bangalore FoodBank


World Food Day is a day of remembrance for the establishment of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization in 1945. It serves as a platform to increase understanding about issues of hunger and food security. Kim Frankovich, the Global Vice President of Sustainability for Griffith Foods, and Bhagyalakshmi Ganapathy, the Sustainability Manager for Griffith Foods India, recently had the opportunity to observe the work being done to fight hunger and promote food security at the Bangalore FoodBank in Bangalore, India.

During their visit, they interacted with a community that supports women’s self-help groups and distributed food packages as part of their aid program to assist women in preparing nutritious meals. They also visited a school and shelter home run by a charity, which includes a school kitchen garden where children are taught to plant, cultivate, care for, and harvest fresh produce.

Their tour also took them to a neighborhood of migrant communities where packaged food products are redistributed to those in need through the Food Rescue program. Griffith Foods is honored to collaborate with Bangalore Food Bank not just on World Food Day, but every day, in their mission to eliminate hunger, malnutrition, and prevent food wastage.