How Cisco's $130M Initiative Tackles Homelessness Globally: Successes & Future Plans


In 2018, Cisco made a groundbreaking and ambitious commitment to tackle homelessness in Santa Clara County. We pledged $50 million in grants over five years—then the largest corporate donation of its kind—to achieve the following goals:
To make homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring in Santa Clara County. To develop a replicable model for other regions beyond Silicon Valley. To inspire other companies to join the fight against homelessness.
As of 2024, Cisco's efforts have significantly surpassed the initial commitment. We have invested over $130 million worldwide to address housing and homelessness, far exceeding our original scope.
Our funding has been allocated in three main areas:
Supportive Housing Development: Our flexible funding has been combined with public funds from the Measure A Housing Bond, enabling us to accelerate the creation of over 3,380 new homes across 35 developments in Santa Clara County. This funding has leveraged more than $1.5 billion from other sources.   Homelessness Prevention: We supported the pilot and expansion of a county-wide program aimed at preventing homelessness and maintaining housing stability for high-risk individuals and families. This initiative, initially funded by Cisco, has been successful in testing and refining the model, resulting in its adoption by the County of Santa Clara as a permanent service for residents at risk.  Technology Enhancement: Cisco's contributions have also addressed the digital divide by improving connectivity for those receiving services. This includes: Launching MyConnectSV, an information management portal for people experiencing homelessness. Providing in-home Wi-Fi at supportive housing sites. Establishing the TECHquity Fund, which offers small grants to nonprofits and individuals for acquiring necessary technology tools.
Cisco’s efforts exemplify how a corporation can utilize both financial and human resources to create substantial change. Our transformative partnership has shifted the perspective on homelessness from scarcity to abundance, highlighting the crucial role of private sector leadership.