IBM Skills Build: Empowering Educators and Students with Free Certification Courses


Teachers play a crucial role in equipping the next generation with STEM skills vital for future careers, especially in the era of AI. They not only inspire innovation but also foster the creative thinking necessary to tackle global challenges.
Every day, teachers encounter diverse challenges, from crafting engaging content to staying updated with AI and STEM tools. To address these needs effectively and affordably, they require accessible resources and support. IBM SkillsBuild offers free resources, co-developed with educators throughout the year, to enrich student learning experiences. These resources include curriculum maps, lesson plans, student worksheets, and hands-on activities, seamlessly integrating core technical and workplace skills like AI into existing curricula.
Zach Switzer, a high school teacher at John Marshall School of IT in Cleveland, Ohio, underscores the urgency of teaching AI to students. He advocates for providing students with both the opportunity to learn with AI and a deep understanding of its intricacies. Switzer believes that nurturing AI proficiency among today's youth, who are already familiar with AI tools, is essential for shaping a capable future workforce.
To support educators in teaching AI effectively, IBM SkillsBuild offers the Teaching Artificial Intelligence Toolkit. This toolkit enables teachers to enhance their own understanding of AI while implementing AI coursework in their classrooms. Topics covered include the significance of AI for students, its role in education, generative AI, and AI career pathways. In addition to AI, IBM SkillsBuild provides toolkits on various subjects such as cybersecurity, sustainability, data literacy, and professional skills.
“As a science teacher with no prior education in AI or cybersecurity, I was desperate to gain some understanding. With IBM SkillsBuild, I was so happy to finally have access to a curriculum with digestible information on these topics. Not only can I digest what my students are doing and learning, but I can further their knowledge or understanding with the content I learned from IBM SkillsBuild teacher toolkits and coursework. IBM SkillsBuild has granted me access to information surrounding soft skills, employment opportunities, and career readiness that I can easily share with my students,” Zach added.
Mark Vukovic, a teacher at CTEC of Licking County in Newton, Ohio, shared how IBM SkillsBuild has positively impacted his students: "I've personally earned several certifications while exploring how these certifications could benefit my students. What's great about these learning modules is that they not only offer expert instruction but also provide students with valuable certifications that they can leverage when applying for jobs. Teachers can seamlessly integrate these learning modules into their existing lessons or assign them to students for independent study."
Whether you're an educator, a student, a parent, or a job seeker, IBM SkillsBuild offers over 1,000 free courses covering technology and professional skills. Through IBM SkillsBuild, IBM remains committed to empowering 30 million individuals worldwide with essential skills by 2030.