INVISTA's 25th Anniversary Wetland Project: A Sustainable Oasis and Outdoor Classroom in Victoria, Texas


INVISTA's wetland project in Victoria, Texas is commemorating its 25th anniversary, marking a quarter-century of serving as an outdoor environmental classroom for the local community. This initiative exemplifies Koch's enduring dedication to environmental stewardship.
A stroll through the wetland at INVISTA's Victoria facility reveals a diverse array of birds, reptiles, and, during the school year, the delightful sounds of children engaged in laughter and learning. Over the past 25 years, the wetland has hosted more than 82,000 students and teachers at the education center, providing hands-on learning experiences about the wetland ecosystem and its resident wildlife.
John Snyder, the environmental science specialist at the Victoria Independent School District, has been guiding visitors through the wetland since its inception. He notes that the wetland has become a cherished part of the community, creating lasting connections and shared memories. Snyder proudly affirms that many former students, who initially visited the wetland, are now bringing their own children.
Students visiting the wetland have numerous opportunities to explore the ecosystem. During a typical visit, John Snyder provides a historical overview of the wetland, discussing its plant and animal inhabitants. Activities include creating plaster casts of animal prints, collecting water samples for chemical analysis, and a 1.8-mile nature walk, allowing participants to observe plants and animals while learning about the food chain and predator-prey relationships.
John expresses his joy when students ask questions, emphasizing the importance of instilling a love and connection with the environment. He believes that fostering this connection encourages responsible environmental stewardship.
The wetland hosts an impressive variety of wildlife, including over 200 bird species, 25 reptile species, and nine fish species. John Snyder attests that much of this wildlife owes its existence to the wetland. Additionally, the wetland receives over 1 billion gallons of treated water annually from INVISTA's biological treatment plant, contributing to the company's commitment to water conservation.
The wetland serves as a public showcase of INVISTA's treatment system capabilities, providing a thriving habitat for birds, alligators, and fish. This ecological haven remains especially crucial during droughts, ensuring a consistent water supply due to its reliance on treated water from INVISTA's biological treatment plant.
INVISTA's ongoing investment in the wetland project, including a substantial overhaul in 2019 and plans for an enhanced visitor experience, reflects the company's dedication to maintaining the wetland's significance within the community and as a habitat for wildlife for years to come.
“People come out here and they’re like, ‘How can you have this right next to an industrial site?’” John says. “It’s because they nurture it and have done a phenomenal job caring for it.”