Keep America Beautiful & Its Partners Restores Native Species Along The Palma Sola Scenic Highway Of Florida


What better way could there to celebrate the National Planting Day than to plant native species along the scenic highway of Florida? – 28 December 2016 – On the 10th of September 2016, celebrating “Keep America Beautiful’s National Planting Day”, the first phases of the Palma Sola Scenic Highway’s “resource protection, preservation and enhancement project” was carried out.
In a collaborative effort involving Keep America Beautiful’s affiliate KMB, the “Florida Department of Transportation”, “Palma Sola Scenic Highway Corridor Management Entity”, “Manatee County Government” and City of Bradenton, the partners took on the endeavour to enrich the “Florida Scenic Highway”.
KMB was awarded a sum of “$3,000” through “Sarasota Bay Estuary Program Grant”, for restoring the shoreline that stretches alongside the Palma Sola Scenic Highway, whereby the initiative required planting of native plants while removing the invasive ones simultaneously. Moreover, the grant money will also be used for installing “bollards” that would prevent the “native vegetation from damage”, while saving the shoreline from being eroded and yet retaining access to the waterway.
Florida based “Sweet Bay Nursery” occupied itself in planting the native species on the “National Planting Day”. It is the responsibility of the City of Bradenton to water the newly planted vegetation throughout the “establishment period”. FDOT cleared sixty tons of “invasive plants from March through July 2016” and the Manatee County Government did not charge any “landfill tipping fees for the invasive plants”.