Keysight's 2023 Sustainability Performance Report | CSR & ESG Goals


Released in May 2024, this report details Keysight's sustainability performance for fiscal year 2023, covering the period from November 1, 2022, to October 31, 2023. It includes global operations unless specified otherwise. The report contains:
The 2023 Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Revised Universal and Topic Standards, prepared with reference to the GRI Standards. The 2023 Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) standards, prepared according to the Resource Transformation - Electrical & Electronic Equipment (RT-EE) Sustainability Accounting Standard and related disclosures from other SASB industry segments, including: Technology & Communications - Electronic Manufacturing Services & Original Design Manufacturing (TC-ES); Technology & Communications - Hardware (TC-HW); and Software & IT Services (TC-SI). 2023 Human Capital Metrics not covered by the aforementioned frameworks. A glossary of acronyms used in the CSR Data Report. Additional resources for more information about Keysight’s CSR program, including the 2023 CSR Report, which accompanies this document and outlines Keysight’s CSR strategy, achievements in 2023, and key impact goals for 2024.
Please note, all mentions of materiality in this document, such as "material impacts," "material aspects," "material topics," and the "materiality assessment," pertain to the relative significance assigned by Keysight and its stakeholders to various aspects of corporate social responsibility. This should not be confused with financial materiality as reported in Keysight's Annual Report on Form 10-K or Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q.