Macroom E To Help In EU’s Fight Against Plastic Pollutant


In an endeavour to encourage business organisations to promote the sale of recycled products, Macroom E joins EU’s pledge. – 02 January 2016 – Macroom E is an “enterprise initiative” which concentrates on the growing businesses and start-ups. The function of the group is to approach business organisations and to encourage them to sale products that can be created from recycled materials.
Greenland, England, and Norway have urged the group to help in the fight against tackling “discarded plastics” along with other such products that can be recycled and reused like “trawler nets” that are being thrown in the ocean almost every day. Cork coastline is among the sea fronts that are affected the most by plastic sea pollutants. The annual estimated figure for plastic pollutants has neared “eight million tonnes”.
According to the estimations made by the environmental groups:
“...over 100,000 marine mammals and one million seabirds are killed each year as a result of consuming discarded plastic, or getting entangled in it. Furthermore, it also creates eyesores when washed up on beaches”.
Scotland based, North Highland College, an environmental research institute, is conducting the ‘Circular Ocean’ project. The said project seeks to take plastic pollutant from the sea and turn them into “reusable resources”. At present, wastes recovered from the oceans are being recycled into “trainers, rucksacks, socks, jackets, skateboards, carpet tiles and sunglasses”.
Macroom E is the only “Irish partner” of the Circular Ocean project. Keeping its “track record” in mind, whereby the group specialises on “free advice” on “how to recycle and reuse waste for product innovation”. The said endeavour is accomplished through a programme called “SMILE Exchange programme” which receives its funds from “Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Cork city and county councils and local enterprise offices”.
At present, the group has joined in the “EU’s Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme”, in an attempt to bring down the “marine litter by incentivising its removal and enable communities and entrepreneurs across the region to utilise plastic waste as a potential resource”. Moreover, Michelle Green from Macroom E stated:
“We are delighted to be a part of this innovative project which we hope will help in combating the global environmental problem of marine plastic waste while, at the same time, developing enterprise opportunities in Ireland by turning this perceived waste into a resource.”
The Circular Ocean Project supports the business groups in facilitating the culture of “enterprises based on the reuse and upcycling of discarded fishing nets and ropes which currently represents 10% of marine litter”. Talking on the subject of plastic production, Dr Neil James, informed that any plastic that was “ever produced ‘is still with us today, with more entering the seas each year to the detriment of fish, birds, turtles and marine mammals’”.
“If we utilise this so-called waste material for a new purpose we reduce the amount of new plastic created, reduce marine pollution, and encourage new green enterprises. Our aim in Circular Ocean is to facilitate this in the northern Europe and Arctic region”.
