Majority Of Californians Are Willing To Use Recycled Water


Most of the Californians consider recycled water as long term solution to water crisis. – 21 March 2016 – Learning from the experience of the severe drought, the Californians’ look forward to arrive at “long-term solutions” to create a “water-secure future” for the state. Likewise, they are showing overwhelming support towards the usage of “treated wastewater, or recycled water” for everyday needs.
According to a survey conducted by Xylem Inc. as many as seventy six percent of respondent vote for recycled water usage as “a long-term solution for managing water resources, regardless of whether or not a water shortage continues”.
On the other hand almost half of the respondents have shown their support in making recycled water an “additional local water supply”, while another thirty eight percent did not display such strong support yet they indulged in the idea.
The definition of recycled water provided as per the survey was “former wastewater that has been treated and purified so that it can be reused for drinking purposes”. The results of the survey show the majority are very willing to accept the proposal, whereby confirming that “there is a significant number of Californians who support the use of recycled water”.
The Senior Vice-President of Xylem, in charge of its “North American commercial business”, Joseph Vesey stated:
“We conducted this survey in an effort to better understand public perception about recycled water, and are very encouraged by the findings. With overwhelming support from the public, California is well-positioned to lead the U.S. in accelerating the availability and acceptance of recycled water. The state has the opportunity to champion a flexible framework that recognizes the unique needs of local communities as they work to establish water resource strategies that include sustainable solutions, such as recycled water.”
However, eighty nine percent of the Californians showed more willingness to use recycled water after they read “an educational statement” that explained the “treatment processes” of wastewater recycling, whereby transforming the waste water into portable quality.
Nevertheless, another eighty eight percent report that a “demonstration of the water purification process would make them more comfortable using and drinking recycled water”, whereby indicating that education needs to be one of the initial vehicle to gain “stronger support for recycled water across the state”.
Furthermore, the Californians do not consider recycled water usage to be “a short-term fix” in the face of the harsh drought that prolonged for five long years. In fact, eighty eight percent of them are even considering the continued usage of “recycled water for drinking purposes” even when El Niño ushers in rainfall.
As per the BusinessWire:
“The survey also found that terminology plays a role in the level of public acceptance for the use of recycled water. When reused water was referred to as ‘purified water,’ respondents were more likely to be supportive (90 percent) of it as an additional local water supply than when the term ‘recycled water’ (87 percent) or ‘reclaimed water’ (82 percent) was used”.
