National Forest Week: Celebrating Conservation and Community Benefits


In celebration of National Forest Week, it’s essential to acknowledge the vital relationship between the 193 million acres of national forests and the communities that rely on them nationwide. Our national forests are integral in providing clean air, clean water, wildlife habitats, and forest products. These benefits extend beyond the forest boundaries, enriching the lives of citizens across the country. The trees and ecosystems within these forests form the foundation of a healthy environment for future generations.
My bond with the forest is profound and lifelong. Since childhood, I have been closely connected to our national forests. Whether it was assisting my family with cattle grazing on US Forest Service allotments, enjoying our family cabin in the Klamath National Forest, or being fascinated by the sawmill my grandfather managed in northern California, the forest has always been a significant part of my life. It has fueled my family’s prosperity and served as a home, a learning environment, and a sanctuary.
This year, National Forest Week invites Americans to embrace the "Forest Mode" theme, encouraging them to disconnect from technology and reconnect with nature’s beauty. Amidst our busy lives, spending time in the forest offers a chance to recharge and ground ourselves.
Although national forests are a shared resource, their conservation requires active management and involvement from everyone. The increasing threat of wildfires poses risks to lives and disrupts carbon storage, oxygen production, and wildlife habitats. To combat this, we must focus on maintaining fire-resilient forests through effective forest management.
Proper forest management is crucial for sustaining forests that meet societal needs. Through sustainable harvesting practices that enhance forest health and growth, we can prevent overgrown forestland prone to wildfires and create economic opportunities for Americans, just as it did for my family.
At Georgia-Pacific, despite sourcing a small portion of our timber from public lands, we are dedicated to supporting effective forest management practices on both public and private lands. Our efforts include contributing to the responsible use of forest resources, protecting endangered areas, and conserving wildlife.
National Forest Week is a wonderful time to reflect on the crucial role our forests play in sustaining our planet. Let’s celebrate this week by going #ForestMode and collectively promote the conservation and responsible use of our forests, ensuring their longevity for years to come.
Happy National Forest Week!