Redfish Restoration: CCA Florida Partners with Duke Energy for Conservation Efforts in Bay County, Florida


CCA Florida, renowned for its commitment to preserving marine fisheries and promoting education and advocacy, will team up with the Duke Energy Mariculture Center and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) to inaugurate the 2024 Redfish Film Fest. This event will mark the release of 50 adult redfish, nurtured in hatcheries and measuring between 18 to 27 inches in length, into the waters of Bay County on Thursday. The initiative aims to counter the declining redfish population along Florida’s West Coast, attributed to water quality issues and habitat loss in recent years.
Recognizing the urgent need for action, CCA Florida and its partners have adopted a proactive stance. They're engaged in habitat restoration, water quality enhancement, fisheries management, and restocking endeavors, specifically targeting the redfish, a prized inshore species in Florida.
Brian Gorski, Executive Director of CCA Florida, emphasized the significance of each released redfish, stating that it brings them closer to revitalizing one of Florida’s signature fisheries. The collaborative efforts aim to conserve and safeguard the marine resources of Florida's West Coast while also launching the Redfish Film Fest for the year.
These restocking efforts are part of a comprehensive strategy spanning multiple years, aiming to rebuild and sustain game fish stocks. Releasing adult redfish of slot size facilitates a quicker impact on the fishery by enhancing spawning probabilities.
Melissa Seixas, Duke Energy Florida's state president, highlighted the enduring partnership with FWC and CCA Florida, emphasizing their collective commitment to environmental stewardship for the prosperity of local economies and communities.
Over the past five years, with FWC's support, CCA Florida and Duke Energy have collectively released nearly 450,000 redfish and spotted seatrout along both Florida’s East and West Coasts, bolstering recreational fishing opportunities.
FWC Executive Director Roger Young expressed pride in supporting the collaborative restocking efforts, emphasizing the crucial role of sustaining the redfish population for the conservation of this vital species and the enjoyment of Florida's natural resources.
The redfish release event is scheduled for Thursday, April 11, at 12 p.m. at Destination Panama City. Approximately 50 slot-sized redfish will be released from the Duke Energy Mariculture Center. FWC Executive Director Roger Young, FWC Chief Conservation Officer George Warthen, along with state and local government officials, are expected to attend.