Storm Season Preparedness: Duke Energy Urges Customers to Create Emergency Kits and Stay Connected


First responders from various local law enforcement, fire, and emergency management agencies in southwest Ohio and Northern Kentucky participated in Duke Energy Storm School, a hands-on training session focusing on the company's readiness and reaction to extreme weather conditions. As a gesture of support, each EMA received a $5,000 grant from the Duke Energy Foundation, amounting to a combined total of $55,000.

“Preparing communities to respond to severe weather impacts takes all of us,” said Amy Spiller, Duke Energy Ohio and Kentucky’s president.

“Together with our fellow first responders, we are committed to keeping our region resilient. These grants will help provide our partners with the tools and training to handle whatever Mother Nature throws our way.”

Around 30 emergency management agency (EMA) personnel and first responders had the opportunity to enhance their knowledge through interactions with Duke Energy specialists in the fields of meteorology, storm preparedness, restoration, and grid resiliency. The goal was to provide them with insights into the company's decision-making process and its collaborative efforts to ensure the safe and efficient restoration of power in the aftermath of severe weather events. 

“Duke Energy is a crucial and close partner of the Hamilton County EMA,” said Director Nick Crossley. “We appreciate this generous donation and, more importantly learning more about their detailed response plans before, during and after severe weather impacts our communities.” 

As the spring and summer storm season draws near, Duke Energy emphasizes the importance of preparedness for its customers. It is recommended to create or update an emergency supply kit in order to save valuable time in the future. This kit should contain essential items to sustain an individual or family for at least two weeks, with a special focus on including medicines, water, nonperishable food, and other supplies that may become scarce after a storm strikes. 

To stay informed, it is advised to have a portable radio, TV, or a NOAA weather radio readily available to monitor weather forecasts and receive critical information from state and local authorities. Additionally, it is advisable to fully charge cellphones, computers, and other electronic devices before storms hit to ensure a continuous connection to important safety and response updates. Considering the purchase of portable chargers and ensuring they are fully charged can provide an additional power source. 

For pet owners, it is essential to make appropriate arrangements to accommodate their furry companions. This can include staying at evacuation shelters that allow pets, seeking shelter with friends or family members who are accommodating to pets, or finding pet-friendly hotels that can provide suitable accommodation.


For more information on being prepared before, after or during a storm click here.