Transforming Plastic Waste: Eastman's Molecular Recycling Revolution


For ages, humanity has consumed unchecked. Now, we confront the repercussions: Is it too late, or can we make amends? 

Recently, we've witnessed the profound impact of the take-make-waste approach on our planet. Each year, vast amounts of plastic waste are discarded, littering our oceans, filling landfills, and burning in incinerators. 

Imagine if we could transform plastic waste into new materials repeatedly, keeping it in circulation without degradation. Thanks to Eastman's innovative molecular recycling technology, this is now possible. 

Eastman is dedicated to recycling 50 million tons of plastic waste by 2030, thus curbing the pollution that harms our planet. Operating the world's largest molecular recycling facility, we convert hard-to-recycle plastics into high-quality new materials that can be reused indefinitely. 

But we can't achieve this alone. 

Through partnerships and collaborations with like-minded companies prioritizing environmental stewardship, we are collectively striving to improve our world. 

Together, we aim to establish a truly circular economy where resources are continually reused and waste is minimized. 

At Eastman, we are revolutionizing recycling with our advanced technologies. However, achieving a truly circular economy requires collaborative effort from everyone. Will you join us in this endeavor?

Click here to know more about our sustainable solutions and connect with us.