TriLinc Global brings Impact Investments to Zambia, Argentina and South Africa


TriLinc Global Impact Fund has announced a $6 million trade transaction with companies in Zambia, Argentina and South Africa. The transactions, secured with inventory or receivables, are aimed at generating employment, increasing productivity and providing community development.

TriLinc Global Impact Fund (“TriLinc” or the “Company”) has recently announced its approval of $6 million in trade finance transactions, with companies in Argentina, Zambia and South Africa.

TriLinc is a firm specialising in impact investment, which provides loans and financial assistance to growth-stage small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs). Impact investment firms focus on developing economies and providing them with affordable capital with a goal towards achieving competitive returns financially. Impact investment is dedicated towards bringing forth positive impact, on the communities they are involved with.

On 11th and 14th May, 2015, TriLinc funded two separate transactions after the parties involved satisfied their requirements for economic development, societal advancement and underwriting. The two transactions totalling $278,015 in addition to an existing $2,500,000 revolving trade finance facility, at a fixed interest rate of 15.00%, to a South African textile distributor, is aimed at supporting employment generation locally. Each transaction is secured by specific inventory being imported into South Africa from Asia. The transactions are set to mature on July 30, 2015 and August 13, 2015, respectively.

On 15th and 19th May, 2015, TriLinc funded two separate transactions coming to a total of totaling $5,000,000 to an Argentine agricultural intermediary as part of an existing $7,000,000 revolving trade finance facility at a fixed interest rate of 9.00%. Both the transactions are secured with assignment of receivables and purchase contracts. Set to mature on December 15, 2015, both the transactions hope to work towards job creation, increased agricultural yield and exports.

On 21st May, 2015, TriLinc funded $720,000 as part of an existing $15,000,000 trade finance facility at an interest rate of 12.50% to a Zambian farm supplies distributor. The distributor engaged in trading and warehousing of prime agricultural commodities, anticipates increased employment, agricultural yield and food security. The transaction is set to mature on June 5, 2015, is secured by specific inventory.

“Core to TriLinc’s investment strategy is the provision of short-term, flexible capital to SMEs that seek to increase their participation in the global marketplace,” said Gloria Nelund, TriLinc CEO. “With these recent investments, TriLinc has extended additional financing to existing borrower companies looking to improve their positioning in both local and international markets while generating positive economic, social and environmental impact.”
About TriLinc Global Impact Fund
TriLinc is a non-traded, externally managed, limited liability company that makes impact investments in SMEs in developing economies. It provides opportunities for developing economies to achieve both competitive financial returns and positive measurable impact. TriLinc invests through local advisors in emerging markets. Company analyses economic, environmental and social impact data to measure worth and progress of investment. TriLinc’s objectives are modest capital appreciation, capital preservation and to generate capital income.
Forward-Looking Statements
The press release contains forward-looking statements within the definitions of federal securities laws and regulations. Forward-looking statements are not to be held as guarantees for said deals and should be taken as assumptions and goals towards future developments.  The company is not legally binding to update any forward-looking statement contained herein to confirm the statement to actual results or changes in the Company's expectations.