Dailycsr.com – 02 July 2015 – Ever since the year of 2003, the company of Newmont Mining has openly announced their social activities and commented on their performance of environment oriented projects. The sustainability report of Newmont Mining for the current year is titled as “Beyond the Mine”. The said report is a reflections on the results accounted about the “obligations” that the company has to carry out “as a founding member of the International Council on Mining and Metals”, in short I.C.M.M.
Moreover, the report also discloses the commitments under taken by Newmont Mining, which come under V.P.S.H.R, namely the “Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights”, in collaboration with the “United Nations Global Compact”. While reporting the same, Newmont Mining Company follows the framework of “sustainability reporting” set by the Global Reporting Initiative or G.R.I. Consequently, the afore mentioned report offers a “comprehensive set of indicators covering sustainable development” which assures a certain independency.
The highlights of the report of 2014, namely “Beyond the Mine”, include the fact that Newmont has recorded the “lowest injury rate” ever in history. In fact, the said achievement has been like a second cherry upon the icing, for this has been the second consecutive year wherein the company was awarded this title. Nevertheless, in spite of the sincere efforts made by the company of creating a “culture of zero harm”, there have been two fatal injuries in Ghana during a mining operation carried out by Newmont. The said incident is a testimony to the fact that company still needs to devote further attention to this task.
The introduction to the report of Beyond the Mine, claims that:
Moreover, the report also discloses the commitments under taken by Newmont Mining, which come under V.P.S.H.R, namely the “Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights”, in collaboration with the “United Nations Global Compact”. While reporting the same, Newmont Mining Company follows the framework of “sustainability reporting” set by the Global Reporting Initiative or G.R.I. Consequently, the afore mentioned report offers a “comprehensive set of indicators covering sustainable development” which assures a certain independency.
The highlights of the report of 2014, namely “Beyond the Mine”, include the fact that Newmont has recorded the “lowest injury rate” ever in history. In fact, the said achievement has been like a second cherry upon the icing, for this has been the second consecutive year wherein the company was awarded this title. Nevertheless, in spite of the sincere efforts made by the company of creating a “culture of zero harm”, there have been two fatal injuries in Ghana during a mining operation carried out by Newmont. The said incident is a testimony to the fact that company still needs to devote further attention to this task.
The introduction to the report of Beyond the Mine, claims that:
“Publishing an independently assured, Conflict-Free Gold Report, confirming Newmont does not operate in areas classified as “conflict-affected or high risk” and is in conformance with the criteria established by the World Gold Council’s Conflict-Free Gold Standard;”
The sustainable efforts made by Newmont have earned the company an approval of expansion, whereby the company can conduct an underground “mining operation” in New Zealand’s Waihi area which will enroll “a comprehensive public involvement program”.
Furthermore, Newmont has established “NAkDeF” or the “Newmont Akyem Development Foundation”, which has been among the “newest operations” of the company. The Newmont Akyem Development Foundation has been built on a similar structure as that of “Newmont Ahafo Development Foundation”. The latter got recognition of investing on a vehicle that created “the best social impact” in the African soil in the year of 2014. The said acknowledgment was granted by “the European Union’s African Chamber of Commerce”.
The company of Newmont Mining also holds the fame of “botanical garden designation”, which will be built at a former mine-site, “PT Newmont Minahasa Raya (PTNMR)”. This recognition came from the “government of Indonesia” and proves to be the first of its kind.
There has been an implementation of “a global water strategy” which will enable to manage water in a more effective manner and to mitigate the risk related to the said essential natural resource. The strategy will be creating a clear link between various practices of water management which has a “long-term strategic” vision and the objectives of “social responsibility”.
Lastly, the company has managed to demonstrate a “commitment to transperance” by developing “external targets” whereby various water management related issues, grievances, complaints, reclamation and closure can all the accounted.