KeyBank has granted a total of $90,000 to 10 Alaska-based organizations, such as the Chugach Heritage Foundation, Native Village of Afognak, and United Way of Anchorage, in the second and third quarters of 2023. These funds aim to support the organizations in their ongoing efforts to provide programs and services for residents of Alaska.
The Anchorage Community Land Trust focuses on investing in commercial corridors, viewing the development of community wealth as dependent on the strength of locally owned small businesses.
The Arctic Education Foundation (AEF) operates as a private, nonprofit organization, dedicated to assisting students in their pursuit of higher education.
The Chugach Heritage Foundation, a nonprofit entity, awards scholarships to Chugach Alaska Corporation Original Shareholders and Lineal Descendants, while also working to preserve and promote the cultural heritage of the Chugach region.
The Copper Mountain Foundation actively supports cultural preservation, education, and career advancement for the benefit of the Native Village of Tatitlek.
The Fairbanks Resource Agency, a nonprofit corporation, is committed to ensuring that individuals with disabilities and their families in Interior Alaska have equal opportunities for education, employment, housing, recreation, and family services.
Habitat for Humanity Anchorage envisions a future Anchorage with broad and diverse community engagement, dedicated to eliminating substandard housing and ensuring the availability of safe, decent, and affordable living spaces for all community members.
The Native Village of Afognak's mission is to embrace, protect, develop, and enhance Alutiiq culture, safeguard traditional use areas, and foster unity among the Alutiiq of the Kodiak Archipelago.
The Seward Association for the Advancement of Marine Science/Alaska SeaLife Center actively generates and shares scientific knowledge to promote understanding and stewardship of Alaska's marine ecosystems.
The Tanana Chief Conference (TCC), an Alaska Native non-profit corporation organized as Dena' Nena' Henash or "Our Land Speaks," focuses on addressing the health and social service needs of Tribal members and beneficiaries throughout the region.
The mission of the United Way of Anchorage is to bring together compassionate individuals, encouraging them to contribute, volunteer, and actively address obstacles to opportunity, with the goal of resolving the most challenging issues within the community.
“Our goal at KeyBank is to establish and support safe, healthy, affordable and inclusive communities,” said Lori McCaffrey, KeyBank’s Alaska market president. “KeyBank is proud to award grants to these organizations for the work they do daily in support of Alaska residents in need.”
The Anchorage Community Land Trust focuses on investing in commercial corridors, viewing the development of community wealth as dependent on the strength of locally owned small businesses.
The Arctic Education Foundation (AEF) operates as a private, nonprofit organization, dedicated to assisting students in their pursuit of higher education.
The Chugach Heritage Foundation, a nonprofit entity, awards scholarships to Chugach Alaska Corporation Original Shareholders and Lineal Descendants, while also working to preserve and promote the cultural heritage of the Chugach region.
The Copper Mountain Foundation actively supports cultural preservation, education, and career advancement for the benefit of the Native Village of Tatitlek.
The Fairbanks Resource Agency, a nonprofit corporation, is committed to ensuring that individuals with disabilities and their families in Interior Alaska have equal opportunities for education, employment, housing, recreation, and family services.
Habitat for Humanity Anchorage envisions a future Anchorage with broad and diverse community engagement, dedicated to eliminating substandard housing and ensuring the availability of safe, decent, and affordable living spaces for all community members.
The Native Village of Afognak's mission is to embrace, protect, develop, and enhance Alutiiq culture, safeguard traditional use areas, and foster unity among the Alutiiq of the Kodiak Archipelago.
The Seward Association for the Advancement of Marine Science/Alaska SeaLife Center actively generates and shares scientific knowledge to promote understanding and stewardship of Alaska's marine ecosystems.
The Tanana Chief Conference (TCC), an Alaska Native non-profit corporation organized as Dena' Nena' Henash or "Our Land Speaks," focuses on addressing the health and social service needs of Tribal members and beneficiaries throughout the region.
The mission of the United Way of Anchorage is to bring together compassionate individuals, encouraging them to contribute, volunteer, and actively address obstacles to opportunity, with the goal of resolving the most challenging issues within the community.
“Our goal at KeyBank is to establish and support safe, healthy, affordable and inclusive communities,” said Lori McCaffrey, KeyBank’s Alaska market president. “KeyBank is proud to award grants to these organizations for the work they do daily in support of Alaska residents in need.”