Dailycsr.com – 01 February 2017 – The report for Novartis’ Corporate Responsibility Performance for the year of 2016 has been published now, whereby the new report covers a deeper contextual details in regards to the “company’s CR performance”. Additionally, it also features “views and comments on trends and challenges within the healthcare industry”.
It is the fourth year in a row that Novartis has come out with its “annual CR Performance Report”. In the year of 2016, the structure of Novartis’ report again underwent a change to align itself with the “Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) G4 guidelines” providing “disclosures at ‘comprehensive’ level”.
Moreover, in 2016, Novartis’ rankings in “several key corporate responsibility” lists have shown an improvement. For example in the “Access to Medicine Index” Novartis has acquired the place of third rank wherein it had held the fourth place in year of 2014 and the seventh place in the year of 2012 listing. As a result, Novartis got an “A- rating” and earned the recognition in the “category leaders in healthcare in the 2016 CDP Climate Score”.
Here is a list of Novartis’ CR achievements’ highlights for the year of 2016, as mentioned by the Ethical Performance:
It is the fourth year in a row that Novartis has come out with its “annual CR Performance Report”. In the year of 2016, the structure of Novartis’ report again underwent a change to align itself with the “Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) G4 guidelines” providing “disclosures at ‘comprehensive’ level”.
Moreover, in 2016, Novartis’ rankings in “several key corporate responsibility” lists have shown an improvement. For example in the “Access to Medicine Index” Novartis has acquired the place of third rank wherein it had held the fourth place in year of 2014 and the seventh place in the year of 2012 listing. As a result, Novartis got an “A- rating” and earned the recognition in the “category leaders in healthcare in the 2016 CDP Climate Score”.
Here is a list of Novartis’ CR achievements’ highlights for the year of 2016, as mentioned by the Ethical Performance:
- Provided medicine to approximately 52 million patients through access programs, as well as health education, infrastructure development and other programs to another 17 million people worldwide
- Delivered more than 120 000 Novartis Access treatments for chronic diseases to Kenya, Lebanon and Ethiopia since program launch, each providing one-month supply of medicine
- Launched SMS for Life 2.0 in Kaduna State, Nigeria. The program uses smartphones and tablet computers to enable local healthcare workers to manage stock levels of treatments and receive training
- Expanded our partnership with Medicines for Malaria Venture for the development of our next-generation antimalarial, KAF156
- Signed a sub-licensing agreement with the Medicines Patent Pool to help produce hepatitis C treatments for developing countries through Sandoz, our generics division
- Conducted 120 pilots for finding new and improved ways of engaging with healthcare professionals
- Trained more than 110 000 Novartis associates worldwide on our Code of Conduct
- Reduced CO2 emissions by 10 000 tons through energy projects
- Started developing an approach to capture, measure and value the positive and negative external economic, environmental and social impacts created by our activities