Tags (9) : sustainable finance
WELL Building Awards 2024: Global Leaders in Healthy and Sustainable Spaces
03/20/2025 | Companies
acoustic design,
building performance,
Citi Global,
community impact,
EDGE Technologies,
Embassy REIT,
equity in design,
ESG reporting,
global real estate,
global WELL leadership,
HB Reavis,
healthy buildings,
healthy nourishment,
healthy workplaces,
Hongkong Land,
indoor air quality,
innovation in buildings,
JPMorgan Chase,
lighting design,
mental well-being,
organizational health,
people-first spaces,
sustainable buildings,
sustainable finance,
sustainable materials,
thermal comfort,
water quality,
WELL at scale,
WELL Awards 2024,
WELL Building,
WELL Certification,
WELL Certification Leadership,
WELL Concept Awards,
WELL Concept Leadership,
WELL Equity Rating,
WELL Health-Safety Rating,
WELL movement,
WELL Portfolio,
workplace wellness
The Role of Social Sustainability in Sustainable Finance
03/08/2025 | Companies
business resilience,
corporate governance,
corporate reporting,
corporate sustainability,
environmental social governance,
equitable economy,
financial markets,
financial performance,
green finance,
healthy workplaces,
impact measurement,
investment strategies,
responsible investment,
social sustainability,
sustainability frameworks,
sustainability taxonomies,
sustainability-linked financing,
sustainable finance,
sustainable investment,
UN Global Compact Network USA,
WELL Building Standard,
workforce well-being
Bloomberg Named Leader in Verdantix 2024 for Climate Financial Data & Analytics
10/24/2024 | Companies
Responsible Investing: ESG Strategies, Risks, and Opportunities
10/11/2024 | Companies
business risks,
client preferences,
climate change,
climate risk management,
environmental factors,
ESG integration,
ESG opportunities,
ESG risks,
ESG-focused portfolios,
ethical investing,
fiduciary duty,
governance factors,
governance practices,
investment framework,
investment portfolios,
investment strategies,
performance trends,
portfolio management,
regulatory challenges,
regulatory scrutiny,
responsible investing,
risk management,
risk-adjusted returns,
social factors,
sustainable finance,
sustainable investments,
Unlocking Sustainability: Nasdaq ESG Solutions and Crux Enhance Corporate Access to Transferable Tax Credits
10/04/2024 | Companies
advanced manufacturing,
clean energy,
clean technology,
climate resilience,
corporate sustainability,
energy transition,
federal tax liability,
financing solutions,
Inflation Reduction Act,
investment opportunities,
market access,
market trends,
Nasdaq ESG Solutions,
renewable energy,
sustainability initiatives,
sustainable finance,
tax credit transfers,
transferable tax credits
Alex Edmans, finance professor at London Business School, discusses longterm value creation and sustainability
04/11/2023 | Environment
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