Daily CSR
Daily CSR

Daily CSR

Daily news about corporate social responsibility, ethics and sustainability


Black & Veatch To Support Its Client In Driving Power Industry Transformation

The power supply portfolio of Black & Veatch also includes looking for “grid modernization solutions” which will facilitate “a more diverse power...

Austria To Have Hydrogen Fuel Passenger Train

The Coradia iLint of Alstom will operate in Austria under the “Austrian Federal Railways” Dailycsr.com – 05 November 2020 – Austria is going to get...

The Ocean League: Exploring Imagery & Storytelling For Ocean Conservation

Utilising the power of creativity to change the world. Dailycsr.com – 29 October 2020 – A new “global awareness campaign” called the “Ocean League”...

Duke Energy Plans To Scale Up Clean Energy Efforts

The company has a vision of a decade of “capital investment” whereby reflecting long-term commitment which will help in acceleration of...

‘Forests Play A Key Role In A Global Solution’

Forest restoration is seen as “an imperative” step to battle climate change besides creating green jobs in the post COVID-19 world. Dailycsr.com – 29...

BIER’s Unprecedented ‘Watershed Collaboration’

Restoring “21.5 hectares of land” which will play a vital role in restoring the “quality and quantity” of water in the region Jalisco region of...

Helping To Restore Mississippi River Basin’s Wetland Ecosystem

As much as eighty percent of the “wetland loss” occurs in the Mississippi River Basin, mainly in Louisiana. Dailycsr.com – 17 September 2020 – DOW...

‘Alliance to End Plastic Waste’ Launches ‘End Plastic Waste Innovation Platform’

The Alliance has got together with Plug and Play to launch “End Plastic Waste Innovation Platform” an online platform for connecting large companies...

Timberland Pledges To Support In U.S. Chapter ‘1t.org’ Launch

Timberland is among the twenty-six “companies, cities, and organizations” which have pledged in support of “the world’s first regional chapter of...

Buildings & Data Centres Are Significant Contributor Of Climate Change

Nearly one percent of the “global electricity” is being used by data centers creating “a large and growing carbon footprint”. Dailycsr.com – 18...

Tetra Tech’s ‘Biogas Use Enhancement Project’ To Deliver RNG For Vehicle

The RNG delivery in Colorado is expected to take place by September 2020. Dailycsr.com – 27 July 2020 – Tetra Tech enters in a partnership with the...

‘Exciting Times’ Towards E-Mobility Revolution And A Paradigm Shift In Tech Eco-System

Keysight Technologies confident about “bringing the vision of a more sustainable energy ecosystem to reality faster”. Dailycsr.com – 27 June 2020 –...

Can Flexible Energy System Facilitate A Net Zero Economy?

Transitioning into a net zero carbon economy in the U.K. would need significant “action and investment”. Dailycsr.com – 26 June 2020 – An attempt is...

Facilitating The Return Of Native Birds Into The Indonesian Forests

Majority of the wildlife that are victim to trafficking happens to be exotic birds. Dailycsr.com – 11 June 2020 – The Environment Department of PT...
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