Dailycsr.com – 28 April 2017 – This week started by marking the “beginning of Fashion Revolution Week”, in memory of “the Rana Plaza factory collapse”. Many consider the unfortunate event as the “deadliest disaster in the history of the garment industry”, which had taken place on the 24th of April 2013.
The tragedy underlined the “fashion industry’s supply chain issues” which gave rise to conversation taking place between “companies, consumers and workers”, whereby resulting in a joined effort to bring in an improvement in the “working conditions” and transparency from the “supply chain”.
According to Ethical Performance, here are some of the highlights of last year:
“Building on the success of its #InsideOut campaign, Fashion Revolution is enlisting the power of influencers to spread its message of the true cost of fashion. Earlier this year, the nonprofit wrote an open letter inviting fashion and beauty influencers to approach fashion in a different way. The #haulternative guide serves as a replacement for popular haul videos in which vloggers share their recent large clothing purchases with viewers. Instead of sharing new purchases from brands with vague sustainability commitments, influencers were encouraged to swap clothing with other YouTube stars, go thrifting, patch up a broken but loved item, or simply embrace the worn wear look. Several vloggers including CutiePieMarzia (over 7M subscribers) and Grav3yardgirl (over 7.9M subscribers) have already embraced the effort”.
The tragedy underlined the “fashion industry’s supply chain issues” which gave rise to conversation taking place between “companies, consumers and workers”, whereby resulting in a joined effort to bring in an improvement in the “working conditions” and transparency from the “supply chain”.
According to Ethical Performance, here are some of the highlights of last year:
“Building on the success of its #InsideOut campaign, Fashion Revolution is enlisting the power of influencers to spread its message of the true cost of fashion. Earlier this year, the nonprofit wrote an open letter inviting fashion and beauty influencers to approach fashion in a different way. The #haulternative guide serves as a replacement for popular haul videos in which vloggers share their recent large clothing purchases with viewers. Instead of sharing new purchases from brands with vague sustainability commitments, influencers were encouraged to swap clothing with other YouTube stars, go thrifting, patch up a broken but loved item, or simply embrace the worn wear look. Several vloggers including CutiePieMarzia (over 7M subscribers) and Grav3yardgirl (over 7.9M subscribers) have already embraced the effort”.