Daily CSR
Daily CSR

Daily CSR
Daily news about corporate social responsibility, ethics and sustainability

Global Efforts to Combat Plastic Pollution: Industry Insights & Circular Solutions


The rapid rise in plastic pollution has become a major environmental challenge of our era. In March 2022, during the fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2), 175 member states passed a groundbreaking resolution to craft an international, legally binding agreement aimed at addressing plastic pollution, including its impact on marine ecosystems.
As these negotiations continue, key players across the plastics industry are starting to prepare for the changes this agreement may bring. This report highlights essential insights and lessons from industry stakeholders who are already developing and implementing circular solutions. It compiles case studies from organizations of various sizes around the world.
By examining existing approaches, the report seeks to build confidence and offer valuable insights as the global community works towards establishing an effective and impactful plastics treaty.