Dailycsr.com – 30 August 2016 – The CSR report of Telstra for the year of 2016 has been released under the title of “Bigger Picture 2016 Sustainability Report”, which provides detail information regarding Telstra’s progress in line with the “three strategic sustainability priorities – Everyone Connected, Environmental leadership and Employee involvement” that is embedded into the company’s care.
Moreover, the report also includes information regarding Telstra’s response towards “issues that matter most to its operations and stakeholders”. Here is a quick view of the performance highlights of Telstra that is included in its FY16’s report, as listed by Ethical Performance:
Moreover, the report also includes information regarding Telstra’s response towards “issues that matter most to its operations and stakeholders”. Here is a quick view of the performance highlights of Telstra that is included in its FY16’s report, as listed by Ethical Performance:
- Keeping over one million vulnerable customers connected through digital inclusion programs
- Reducing its greenhouse emissions intensity by 56 per cent from a baseline year of 2014
- Reaching more than 59,000 people through its digital literacy programs
- Launching its third Reconciliation Action Plan
- Providing $175 million in value through its social and community investment programs
- Extending its 4G coverage to 98 per cent of the Australian population
- Reducing its Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate by 33 per cent
- Being named as an Employer of Choice for Gender Equality by the Australian Government Workplace Gender Equality Agency
- Undertaking 8,186 employee volunteering days in the community
- Collecting over 5,500 tonnes of e-waste, 99 per cent of which was recycled responsibly
The “Bigger Picture 2016 Sustainability Report” of Telstra abides by the “Global Reporting Initiative G4 Core Sustainability Reporting Guidelines”, while Ethical Performance adds that:
“Limited assurance over specified data and related performance disclosures throughout Telstra’s reporting has been provided by Ernst & Young, in accordance with the ISAE 3000 and ASAE 3410 assurance standards. The report also details Telstra’s progress in implementing the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact”.