Daily CSR
Daily CSR

Daily CSR
Daily news about corporate social responsibility, ethics and sustainability

Prioritize Your Health: Aflac's Mission During National Wellness Month


Prioritize Your Health: Aflac's Mission During National Wellness Month

At Aflac, our mission is to improve health and financial well-being for our policyholders. This mission often hits close to home. 

Take, for example, a young man who felt off one day while playing basketball. At 23 years old, recently graduated and preparing for grad school, he thought he was in the best shape of his life. But after experiencing flu-like symptoms and unexplained bruising, he had to have his spleen removed. He was unable to work, exhausted all his sick leave, and even had to borrow some from colleagues. With no previous health issues, this 23-year-old found himself grappling with how quickly life had changed. 

Now, you might be wondering if this young man had Aflac coverage. Unfortunately, he did not. And that young man was me. Thankfully, I recovered and went on to build a career as an actuary—a numbers expert who uses statistics to help price Aflac plans and ensure the company remains profitable. While my work often revolves around how age influences serious illness, my own experience taught me that statistics sometimes fall short, especially when you're the one facing the challenge. 

With August being National Wellness Month, it's a perfect time to focus on personal health. We recently conducted our second annual Aflac Wellness Matters Survey in 2024, gathering insights that might surprise you. The survey revealed that 77% of the general population delays routine health checkups beyond the recommended time. Additionally, nearly one-third of Gen Z and millennials skip regular checkups simply because they feel healthy at the moment. Our goal is to help change this by encouraging everyone, particularly young people, to establish and maintain positive wellness habits, including routine preventive care. 

We know that emphasizing prevention works, and we want everyone to live long, healthy lives. So, during National Wellness Month, take the steps you need to stay on top of your well-being. Whether you're a policyholder, an employee, or a community member, at Aflac, your wellness truly matters.

Click here to learn more on ways to improve your health.