Daily CSR
Daily CSR

Daily CSR
Daily news about corporate social responsibility, ethics and sustainability

Maintaining The Dryness Of Worker’ Hands Retains Their Effectiveness At Work


Polyco has new range of items to offer to keep the hands dry when working with water, yet retaining its lightness and providing “cushioning” for comfort.

Dailycsr.com – 06 January 2017 – Involvement of water during a work process, makes the environment slow, by wetting the workers’ hand which makes them cold and eventually effects on their ability to “function” in an effective manner. Therefore, the time has come, says the HSE, that the employers’ of such work environment, need to pay heed and prevent the “worker’ hands from becoming wet”.
To make the task easier, Polyco has come up with its new range of “Poluflex Hydro” which are “water-resistant gloves”. Moreover, their designs were created for maintaining the dryness of the workers’ hands for a “longer” period so that their comfort and the level of dexterity are not compromised.
Five gloves are featured in the above mentioned range, whereby all of them contain a “seamless knitted nylon liner” which has a coating of “foamed nitrile” that comes on the palms. Thanks to these coatings, the gloves turn out to be “extremely lightweight”, which provide “cushioning” and demonstrate a ‘high resistant’ towards “oil and abrasion”.